Anime is hand-drawn and computer animation originating from Japan. In Japan and in Japanese, anime describes all animated works, regardless of style or origin. A genre of film and television animation created in or influenced by the traditional style of Japanese 2D animation and characterized by highly stylized, colorful art, fantastic settings, and mature themes. However, outside of Japan and in English, anime is colloquial for Japanese animation and refers specifically to animation produced in Japan.
How I start watch ANIME
When I go my cousin house I always see my brother was watching anime but I don't know what is he watching that time I think he was watching cartoon but one day I ask him 'what are you watching' he said 'this is an anime' and I asked him 'Is this like cartoon' then he said 'you can say it but this is for nor kids' and I said 'I also want to watch it' then he said 'okay' then I watched it.
I watch my 1st anime that is Naruto. I was shocked because it's episode is more then 200 but I watched. 1st episode I don't understand what they are talking then I look subtitles then I understand. Then I was start watch anime daily. I loved it Then I watch more anime and I became anime fan. So, that how I start watch anime and I became anime fan.
Anime I watched:
1. Naruto
2. Naruto Shippuden
3. Demon Slayer
4. One punch man
5. Tokyo Revenge
6. Enazuma eleven
7. Death Note
8. My Hero Academia
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